Developed by the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) with generous support from the Walmart Foundation and Bezos Family Foundation, the Family Empowerment Program (FEP) builds the capacity of parents and caregivers as leaders and advocates of their families. Throughout this twelve-week program, families are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to foster their children's learning and development while effectively advocating for them from birth. The program was designed to guide and coach parents and caregivers through a strengths-based lens that honors the rich cultural and linguistic strengths of families of color.
NBCDI’s Family Empowerment Program is:
- Culturally Relevant and Responsive: Infuses the social-cultural context of families’ lived experiences.
- Trauma Informed: Takes a holistic approach to building the capacity of families by educating families on brain development, toxic stress, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the importance of building resiliency and developing protective factors in children and their families.
- Evidence-Based: Aligned with current research and best practices and evaluated by Child Trends, the nation’s leading nonprofit research organization.
- Developmentally Appropriate: Fosters children’s learning and development while honoring their individual strengths, needs, and culture.
- Action-Oriented: Promotes active family engagement by connecting families with local resources that strengthen their capacity to succeed.
Family Empowerment Program is built on four guiding principles:
- Parents want what's best for their children.
- Parents know best what they need to strengthen their parenting skills as their children's first, most important, and lifelong teachers.
- Parents learn best when they are involved in selecting the topics and activities developed to ensure their families’ success.
- Parents will make the best choices for their children when they are offered effective and relevant information, resources, and support.
NBCDI’s Family Empowerment Program consists of six topic areas that incorporate a range of interactive, engaging, and evidence-based activities.
- Topic 1: Reflections
- Topic 2: Health and Wellness
- Topic 3: Child Growth and Development
- Topic 4: Positive Guidance
- Topic 5: Literacy and Numeracy
- Topic 6: Transitions